
The specification discusses a source stream and a response stream.

Lacinia implements the source stream as a callback function. The response stream is largely the responsibility of the web tier.

  • Lacinia invokes a streamer function once, to initialize the subscription stream.

  • The streamer is provided with a source stream callback function; as new values are available they are passed to this callback.

    Typically, the streamer will create a thread, core.async process, or other long-lived construct to feed values to the source stream.

  • Whenever the source stream callback is passed a value, Lacinia will execute the subscription as a query, which will generate a new response (with the standard :data and/or :errors keys).

  • The response will be converted as necessary and streamed to the client, forming the response stream.

  • The streamer must return a function that will be invoked to perform cleanup. This cleanup function typically stops whatever process was started earlier.

Subscriptions are operations, like queries or mutations. They are defined as fields of the Subscription object.